Monday, November 22, 2010


I got a PSP a few years ago and neglect it usually until I go on a trip. I was fortunate to bum a trip off of my in-laws to Hawaii this past week, which I kinda shot myself in the foot for in regards to school. But I was able to take my PSP through all the airports and play. What a wonderful little device this is. I really need to play it more often, wow. It really seems to be under rated. I like that the mini-discs it uses come in cases, so wonderful! Why can't all media upgrade to this? Why are we still using crappy CD's for everything anyway?

I played a few games. I had a cool game called God of War I never got a chance to play since I have XBox. I got a new Metal Gear Solid game, I always have loved those, and the PSP one is awesome. I also have Tiger Woods Golf and it is pretty challenging!

I recommend a PSP to anyone that is thinking about getting one, they are really cool, and you can get all kinds of used games and movies for it really cheap. Plus you can get wifi on it and play games online. How cool is that!?


  1. I purchased a nintendo DS towards the beginning of the year and I have enjoyed many of the games that are available. What are some of the pros and cons when comparing the two handheld systems?

  2. I dunno, I don't have DS so I couldn't tell ya. I just know I really like my PSP.
