Monday, December 6, 2010

Sprite Sheets

Video game playing is still on hold as game development has been a stressful use of my time lately. I have had to make all the sprite sheets and I had no idea how to make them going into this project, so I have had to re-size and re-do them quite a bit. It has been a learning experience for sure. I have also gained more technique in animation for this assignment, so that is always a good thing too. It has been rough the last little while because I accidentally stepped on my computer I stupidly left it right where I would step outta bed in the morning working late on my laptop. CRUNCH. The screen had big black spots all over it and lots of cracks. It was a bit hard to order a new one and install it myself, but alas, I put in a replacement screen good as new. I really wanted to vent about that because it was so frustrating haha. Anyway, here are some sprite sheets I have been working on. -->